White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen has given me a reason to like him, He’s helping to unveil a new school for autistic kids in Chicago. He is taking part in the opening of the new Easter Seals Therapeutic School and Center for Autism Research. As the name suggests, the school will double as a research facility.
In the last two games against the Yanks, Guillen ditched his Sox cap for the post game interview and instead wore one with the "TACA" logo. "TACA" stands for Talk About Curing Autism and is an organization that gives support to families affected by autism.
Lest you think that autism is a rare condition that doesn’t affect you, please know that the latest figures suggest that one in 150 children born are on the autistic spectrum. So you probably know a few kids who are on the spectrum. I know I do.
So thanks to Ozzie Guillen for bringing this issue to light.
Chicago Trib: White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen helps unveil new school for students with autism