Everyone loves lists. And when it has to to do with baseball, it’s all the better.
But when it involves the Cubs, well, that’s nirvana. That’s what Bleed Cubbie Blue has done. I’ve mentioned this list that Al from BCB has been doing all winter before. Since the end of the season last year, he’s been counting down the top 100 Cubs of all time.
And today, he’s reached #1. Ernie Banks. No surprise there.
Ernie Banks is my first baseball memory. I must have been about 5. I was at Wrigley Field with the rest of my family. The only thing I can remember is that Ernie Banks hit a grand slam and my mom missed it because she went to the restroom. And the Cubs won. I remember that, too.
Ernie Banks was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1977. I was there. That was my first visit to the Hall. I remember while waiting for the ceremonies to start, a Chicago Tribune reporter was looking for people who had traveled to Cooperstown just to see Banks inducted and I got his attention. I ended up being interviewed by him.
By the way, if you’re interested, Cap Anson was #2. Knowing Cap, he might feel a tad uncomfortable wedged in between Banks and Sosa. Chances are, he’d ask for a different seat.