Barry Bonds is in the news again and it doesn’t have to do with his knees, his homeruns or even steroids. It does show, however that his reputation with the media may be justified.
A quick summary of the story:
Ron Kittle, former outfielder, has claimed in a tell-all book that Bonds once denied him an autograph back in 1991 because “I don’t sign for white people”.
Now I’m not going to get into whether this is true or not. I have my doubts, though with Barry, anything is possible.
However, consider the following comment to the media by Bonds in response to Kittle’s book:
“Who is Kittle? How long did he play? He played in our league?”
Ok, call me a baseball purist but the fact that he doesn’t remember or know of Ron Kittle, a former rookie of the year who hit 176 homers in his career, bothers me. Jeez, they both played together in the majors for 6 years.
Or worse, he’s feigning ignorance with a macho in-your-face attitude.
Get a clue, Barry.
As for Kittle (emphasis mine):
“It’s the truth. I don’t lie,” Kittle told The Associated Press in a phone interview Tuesday. “I tell it as it is. It’s unfortunate it happened. And I didn’t bring it up to sell the books.“